Bear and Geyser. Kamchatka

A bracken fern sprouts from under the soil warmed by volcanic heat in the Valley of the Geysers

Keyflower orchids (Dactylorhiza aristata) bloom earlier in the warmth of the Valley of the Geysers than in other parts of Kronotsky Nature Reserve

The Velikan (Giant) Geyser (2006)

Geyser River in steam

Hot water flowing from geysers creates a favorable environment a variety of colorful alga in Kamchatka's Valley of the Geysers

Velikan Geyser in May 2006

This opaline siliceous deposit forms around hot springs in the Valley of the Geysers

Red clays bubble and boil, revealing underground volcanic activity in the Valley of the Geysers

Death Valley, known for its noxious gases capable of killing animals, is situated at the foot of Kikhpinich Volcano

A spiky ridge formed of volcanic tuff borders the Valley of the Geysers

On windless days, steam covers the the floor of the Valley of the Geysers. the volcano to the left is Zubchatka, part of Bolshoy Semyachik

Autumn colors make stone birch trees blush in the Valley of the Geysers in October

A bear neaer the Malachite Grotte in the Valley of the Geysers (2006)

This hot waterfall, which is ephemeral in nature due to the fact that the water comes from an erupting geyser above, is colored by heat-loving bacteria

The first two cascades of the Troinoy (Triple) Waterfall on Geyser River resemble an hourglass (2004)

Zhemchuzhny (Pearl) Geyser blows steam in the Valley of the Geysers

The Geyser River flows through the Valley of the Geysers, cloaked in fall colors

A May snowfall coats hot kettles and birch trees in new snow

Грязевой котел Восьмерка в Долине Гейзеров

A thermal lake, formed in the central part of the Valley of the Geysers after the landslide of June 3, 2007. Taken in July 2007

Evening in the Valley of the Geysers during the eruption of Velikan Geyser. July 2007

Geyser Lake on a pleasant morning. July 2007