Marsh marigold in flower
Shells on the shore of the Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Kronotsky nature reserve
The carpet of the autumn tundra. Kamchatka, Kronotsky Nature Reserve
Carpet of summer tundra. Kamchatka
The Pacific coast on a cloudy day in August
Fall motif
Stone - or Erman - birch grows in small, crooked formations near the Pacific coast, where strong winds and heavy snows prevai
Leafy larches
Swampy larch forests on the eastern shore of Kronotskoye Lake
Erman birch forest during a December snowstorm
The moon rises over the "Railroad" Ridge
The lower reaches of the Listvenichnaya and the shore of Kronotskoye Lake covered in ash from the eruption of Kizimen Volcano
In the central part of the Kronotsky Peninsula
Winter mountains with Erman birch forest cover
Semyachiksky Bay formed by a sandbar along the Pacific coast teems with bird and marine mammal life. In the background, the snow covered Kikhpinych and Kronotsky volcanoes are visible
The large channels of the Shumnaya river appear to be rivulets from the air
Shumnaya River near its source in the caldera of the Uzon Volcano
The Shumnaya River, photographed here in September, starts in the caldera of the Uzon Volcano
Khryukinka River near its confluence with Lebyazhka River
Unan River Valley
Lower reaches of Meteorologist Creek
Kozlov Cape on Kronotsky Peninsula. Fog is a regular occurrence here
Phyllodoce caerulea The pink flowers of mountainheath dominate alpine meadows in summer
Allium ochotense Wild onion blooms in June in the Valley of the Geysers
Lilium debile A lily bud in the rain in Kronotsky Zapovednik
Polar willow in rain
Flowering spotted lady's slipper)
Autumn blueberries. Leaves of blueberries turn red in September in Kamchatka
Blueberries in mid September
Carpet of fall tundra
Cranberry flowers in the boggy coastal tundra
Arctic blue flag (Iris setosa)
Spotted yellow lady's slipper
Lingonberries after the first frost, Kamchatka, Kronotsky Nature Reserve
A lily bud (Lilium debile) in the rain
The pink flowers of Arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus) bloom in July
Arctic raspberry flower in frosting
Loiseleuria procumbens. The tundra comes to life in summer with miniature flowers
Wild onion (Allium ochotense) in snow. A wind onion bud emerges from the snow
Arctic starflower and clover springtail
Steller's sea eagle on a perch
October stone birch forest. The folds of gorges form deep shadows in a brightly colored autumn forest
Steller's sea eagle in December at coho winter spawning area
A Stellar sea eagle near a stormy sea